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English-Hindi > comic relief

comic relief meaning in Hindi

comic relief sentence in Hindi

हास्य विश्रांति
comic    चित्रकथा कौतुक
relief    आराम उपाय फौजी
1.This documentary about the filmmaker returns to her repeatedly for comic relief.

2.And the moments he will remember will serve only as comic relief.

3.Believe me, this funeral dirge could have used a little comic relief.

4.A camel named Habibi will provide comic relief, but will not speak.

5.Merry and Pippin are willing to fight but also provide comic relief.

6.And some simply view his program as a form of comic relief.

7.By the way, how does it feel to be the comic relief?

8.Superficial philosophical debates provide unintended comic relief from the serious flesh exposure.

9.He reads newspapers, skates around the set and serves as comic relief.

10.It has action, a love story, comic relief and special effects.

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How to say comic relief in Hindi and what is the meaning of comic relief in Hindi? comic relief Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.